Hello dearest humans!
Everyone always tells me I’m bad at circulating my events… so here I am… trying!
I am currently in Europe, on my wee little European book tour. I’m only doing four cities (thank God, I’ve only been here 10 days but the traveling is kind of tiring!) so please come if you can.
Bring enthusiasm, presence, clean social hygiene, masks, joints, natural wine - anything really - just bring yourself, bring a laugh, bring your soul. Bring Allah ❤️🔥
For the longest time I’ve been craving doing readings around Europe, so if I’m coming to your city I hope I get to meet you!
Please come find me!
I’m coming to Lisbon tomorrow and am doing my first event tomorrow evening!
I’ll be at Salted Books reading poems from Survival Takes A Wild Imagination and it would mean the world to me if you come say hi :)
September 20th:
Salted Books @ 6 pm for reading, q/a + book signing
September 22nd
I will be doing a Who Is Wellness For Teach-in @ The Kynd Space in Lisbon from roughly 2.30-7.30 pm.
I’ve been doing these Who Is Wellness For? activation teach-ins around the world - I did one in Dusseldorf a few years ago, and this one in Lisbon is the next. I enjoy teaching so much, but in person teaching is a different vibe! We will move through somatic and writing exercises together and this will be a space of vulnerability and openness. It will be a place for us to speak about decolonization and wellness—as well as how those two intersect.
Masks will be required, we’re also asking people to test beforehand so everyone who wants to come can participate.
September 25th:
Novembre launch @ Dover St Market in Paris 6 pm
(I will be reading my poem How To Make A Terrorist which will be super not chill to read in a multi-million dollar store but maybe it’s going to be funny… ? TBD
Anyway I am simultaneously laughing at myself and thinking, “Why are you like this???” But I think I really enjoy saying fuck you the establishment too much and this just happened to be the poem I submitted so I can just blame it on that.
If you want to watch me read this poem, here’s a shortened version (IG cut it)
Here’s an interview that just came out today with Worms Magazine! I’m collaborating with them for the reading so it’s perfect time to read this :_)
September 26th:
After 8 Books @ 7 pm for book reading, q+a + book signing
October 3rd:
Jumbi @ 7 pm for a book reading/event for Survival Takes A Wild Imagination (I might also read some new poems/work) q+a and book signing
Then there will be a dance party after!!!
October 16th:
Backstory Bookshop @ time TBD
Unrelated, related:
Yumi Sakugawa and I are teaching our How To Decolonize and Radicalize Your Creative Practice for Collective Liberation workshop next weekend again! This is a very special class and it’s something Yumi and I dreamt up over months. We weren’t expecting to teach it so many times but the response to the class has been incredible and it seems to be the elixir that many of us are needing right now.
The full scholarship application is now open — we are giving away 10% of our class to scholarships and there’s a sliding scale for the class it’s $44-$150 for a 4.5 hour class we think that’s pretty good!!! We will have plenty of breaks and this will be a very potent container, as it always is.
I hope you will join us 🎀
Hopefully see you soon!
love, fariha
ahhhh i fuck wit worms magazine so hard 🐛🐛🪱🪱 can’t wait to read your interview! wish i was in europe :,)
Congratulations! Thank you for your fierce voice, I hope you enjoy this book tour, you deserve it!