The way that you write with such specificity to history while keeping it accessible and easy to understand is such a gift. Your calls to action and liberation, your voice, your passion. Thank you for taking the time and care to fold us all deeper into the work.

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"fold us all deeper into the work" 🙌 new expression for me. Love it. Thanks.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Fariha Róisín

Thank you, this piece is historical, specific, and needed. You're right, Americans are so emphatically and deeply socialized to view reactions to violence and oppression as the most socially egregious thing one can do. We're taught to believe fighting back qualifies one as an instigator (see: every movement around civil and labor rights, ever). It makes it effortful to the point of unnatural for people to look directly at why a reaction/response is occurring in the first place.

Free Palestine.

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So grateful to you for writing through what has felt like an apocalyptic week. Thank you for your words ♥️

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Thanks so much for using your platform to speak out with such clarity about the horror the people of Gaza are facing.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Fariha Róisín

Love you so much, although we are strangers. Thank you for writing and sharing.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Fariha Róisín

Thank you, thank you for writing this. Deeply grateful.

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